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Building Robot and Relationships

They’re a Jr. IT support team, builders of robots, creators of games…and friends. Discover how the Tech Team at Adams-Young Middle School is preparing for a technology-based world and having fun while they do it.

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A Friendship Reunited

She’s now an electrical engineer at Boeing and he’s been her supporter for 15 years. Read about how their friendship began at Cornerstone and how it has helped her on her journey.

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Wellness Warriors: The Important Role of School Nurses

Meet some of our dynamic healthcare professionals who are playing a vital role in promoting healthy living among students.

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A Canvas of Compassion: Advocating through Art

Students from two Cornerstone Schools learn about expressing peace and understanding through art with their artwork included in Visions of Peace exhibit in Detroit.

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Cornerstone Teacher Named English Teacher of the Year

The Michigan Council of Teachers of English named WPA teacher Frances Smith Michigan Elementary Teacher of the Year! She’s establishing home libraries and cultivating a love for reading among her students.

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Checkmate! Chess At Cornerstone

Chess has been part of Cornerstone for many years, and was recently revived at one school thanks to a chance encounter.

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Cornerstone Students Take to the Airwaves

An innovative program at Cornerstone provides opportunities for students to write, host, and produce their own radio shows.

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Healthy Bodies, Healthy Communities: Cornerstone’s Comprehensive Wellness Program

Our Wellness Program promotes healthy habits among students, encouraging them to be role models for health within their peer and family circles.

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Cornerstone First Detroit Schools Accepted to Verizon Innovative Learning Program

1,000 internet-connected devices provided to all Cornerstone middle school students and teachers

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School Libraries: A Labor Of Love At Cornerstone

Building Cornerstone libraries is a labor of love for our schools.

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Mike Morse Law Firm Brings Project Backpack to Cornerstone Students

The Mike Morse Law Firm steps up to supply Cornerstone, and thousands of other Detroit students with supply-filled backpacks to begin the new school year right.

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Tashawna Adams

Tashawna Adams empowers students by making sure they understand that they are intelligent, loved, and capable of great things.

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Akilah Hall

Akilah Hall encourages students to look out for one another.

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Marilyn Thomas

Marilyn Thomas is determined to help each student become successful according to their hopes, wishes and dreams.

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Edward McLean

Edward McLean models positivity and productivity for his students every day.

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Markisha Stovall

Markisha Stovall wants her students to believe that greatness is in their DNA.

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Courtney Ross

Courtney Ross uses her professional super powers of love and laughter to encourage students.

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Cornerstone Athletics = Winning At Life

At Cornerstone, we’re preparing students who participate in our fitness and athletic programs to win on the field – and more importantly to win in life.

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Honoring Cornerstone Principals

Cornerstone Principals are the best! Meet them here.

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The Importance Of Quiet Spaces At School

Learn why Cornerstone classrooms have dedicated quiet spaces to help students self-regulate.

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Christina Gaines

Christina Gaines is a great team player in the classroom and out.

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Five Reasons You’ll Love Working At Cornerstone Schools

Five reasons you’ll find yourself at home at Cornerstone Schools

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Reeva Whitehead

People Person – I like to take on challenges and find solutions.

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Regina Bailey

Loving Leader – My students know I love each and every one of them.

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Donley Rocker

Innovative Role Model – Empowering students to live their complete lives

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Eva Robinson

Caring Encourager – Encouraging students to be present and aware of their truest selves, so that they can remain motivated to excel.

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Elijah Richardson

Empathetic Advocate: Improving the lives of Detroit’s youth.

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Journey to Atlanta to Deepen Our Complete Life Mission

In March, friends from our community were part of a very special weekend in Atlanta to honor our only living namesake, Ambassador Andrew J. Young, as the City of Atlanta celebrated his 90th birthday.

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Ellyshia Thompson

The Energizer – Highly respected for her down-to-business professionalism.

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Brandon Clark

Compassionate Comedian – Helping students find the clarity of their purpose.

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Reading Month Round-Up

Cornerstone celebrates March Reading Month in a variety of fun and educational ways!

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Naji Mazloum

Passionate Motivator – Naji Mazloum uses his own experiences to motivate and encourage his students

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DECA Students Shine at State Competition

Cornerstone DECA students bring their best to the state competitoin.

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Renate Matthews

Creative Innovator – Renate Matthews’ creativity, enthusiasm, and willingness to innovate are very important for students.

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Yolanda Taylor

Creative Innovator – Her creativity, enthusiasm, and willingness to innovate are very important to our students.

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Honoring Our Namesakes

Cornerstone names its schools after significant Founders and Civil Rights Leaders as one name. The school names uniquely depict an American journey, together.

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Comerica VP Inspires Students

Five reason you’ll find yourself at home at Cornerstone Schools

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A Turning Point for the Complete Life

Cornerstone Schools honored Civil Rights Icon Andrew J. Young by dedicating its new “Center for the Complete Life” in his name at a ceremony on Friday, October 29. Students, alumni, teachers, partners and community leaders gathered…

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Dr. Shelia Wofford-Glenn

Using Student Data to Advance Achievement – “Cornerstone team energy is contagious!”

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Lois Robinson

A Commitment to Excellence, and the Belief That Our Children will be Successful with the Proper Tools for Learning. – “The Cornerstone Family makes Cornerstone special!”

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David Bologna

Helping Students Grow – “I love working with a wonderful group of Partners and friends that want to support Cornerstone students.”

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Tanya Allen

Building Relationships is Amazing – “Career Pathways makes Cornerstone special.”

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Metecia Stubbs

Finding the Educators with a Passion for Learning – “I love that I have the ability to provide our students with some of the best educators in the world.”

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Jennifer Oswald

Collaboration is Everything – “I truly believe that when the adults stop learning, so do the students”

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Latisha Brown

With a strong team we can accomplish anything

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Mona Kidder

Serving Students is a True Privilege – “What I love most is building relationships with current and new Cornerstone Partners and friends”

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Kelsey Christensen

3rd Grade Teacher and Adventure-Seeker – “I’ve always felt very supported working at Adams-Young.”

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Paul Lee

Cornerstone Engineer & Super Dad! – “Cornerstone is an opportunity for me to fulfill a goal I’ve set for myself: to help others and show love to everyone I can.”

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School Uniforms – Promoting Cooperation and Positive Behavior

When you visit one of our schools, I promise you’ll be impressed by how great our students look.

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Parent Engagement Leads to Student Success

At Cornerstone, our families are important to us. We love connecting with our parents and caregivers and welcoming their involvement in a variety of ways throughout the educational journey of their child.

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Lead With Love

Valentine’s Day is this week, and when we think of that day, we of course think of love.

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Inside Literacy

What comes to mind when you think about literacy? Do you think about reading?

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Serving Others During COVID-19

Monday, January 18, 2021 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the United States. It is the only federal holiday set aside as a national day of service. AmeriCorps has been charged by the federal government…

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Accountability & Celebration with iReady

iReady is a digital tool with such richness and depth that it has spawned an entire site of ideas devised by educators to maximize its use.

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Give the Gift of Reading

The holiday time of year can be filled with the rush of gatherings, time with family, and in most cases a break from the norms of the day.  In all this hustle and bustle, the standard time for teaching can often be lost. 

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Responding to a Child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Educators with a scholar who has ADHD or parents of a child with ADHD face a unique set of challenges.

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Mentoring in the Blended Environment

An effective mentor can often be the difference between a student succeeding or failing in an online environment.

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Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.

During the month of November, the Cornerstone Community is concentrating on gratitude. It’s been shown that expressing gratitude has a wealth of benefits…the mere act of stating what you’re grateful for can…

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Expressing Gratitude: Transforming the Lives of Young People

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Autism Awareness in the Classroom

I began working with students identified as having Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Teacher of Speech and Language Impaired 46 years ago. 

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Parent Engagement is Essential to Student Success

Parents are considered a child’s first teacher before collaborating with classroom teachers. Given this, as children develop, steadfast parental involvement and engagement is fundamental to a youngster’s lifelong learning and growth.

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The Benefits of a Family Schedule

There is no job in the world quite as busy, overwhelming, or rewarding as that of a parent.  As the long lazy days of summer have come to an end, and school has started, the family calendar is getting a work out.

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All Students Deserve to be Healthy, Active & Ready to Learn

It’s startling to realize that the United States ranked last out of 21 industrialized nations in child health and safety. It is imperative that students are well-fed and active if they are going to be ready to learn.

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Preparing for the New School Year

Summer is ending. For many, this only means one thing.  It’s back to school time! The adjustment from summer break to school schedule can be a daunting task for any parent and child duo.

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The Importance of Early Career Exposure

In Detroit and other Michigan cities, employers are struggling with a talent shortfall that limits their growth and that of the overall economy.

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The Adventure of Summer Reading

“Summer slide” is not a ride at the local carnival, but a real issue, especially in lower income areas.  Children in low income areas tend to fall back two reading levels or more during summer months, which puts many children who are already below grade level at an even greater disadvantage. 

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Why Charter Schools?

Schools help shape us and define our early formative years.  Given that schools play such a vital role in a student’s life, it is important that we select schools with programs that will be the most valuable for our children.

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Individualized Learning

Many of us have heard of the term “Individualized Learning”, but what does it really mean? How does a teacher build individual learning structures with 30-36 students in a classroom?

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The Importance of Art in Education

The Arts create joy and success in education.  Having taught art in Detroit for over 15 years, the path I choose was right.  I love what I do.  The arts are important to education because they bring a form of truth to learning and enrich curriculum while bringing joy to students.

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Regular Attendance is Key to Academic Success

The quote: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit”, by the philosopher, Aristotle is on a poster on the wall next to the door that leads into my office.

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